The 2nd American Revolution

Gun Ownership Versus Gun Crime

Folks as of 2010 there were an estimated 80,000,000 adults in the United States that own a gun of one type or another.

To put into perspective the murders caused by guns were 10,886 in 2010. That means that if the legal gun owners had comitted those crimes the percentage would be less than 0.013% of the legal gun owners. Fortunately though most of those murders were comitted by persons illegally possessing those guns.

On another tack would you say that something or someone that kills over 70,000 Americans a year should be prossecuted for at least negligence if not outright murder charges of Manslaughter.  Well then get on your soap boxes and start preaching about criminalizing doctors, nurses, nurses aides, and other hospital personell that have access to patients because through the simple omission of not washing their hands before dealing with a patient they are passing along infections that are killing over 70,000 Americans per a report from the Center For Disease Control.

Now if this had been a gun owner that through inappropriate action had killed a passerby he would have been prosecuted to the maximum of the law. Yet guns only killed 10,886 persons in 2010 but almost seven times that many were killed by hospital personell in one year. You tell me which is more deadly a negligent hospital employee or a gun owner.

Come And Get Them
2nd American Revolution
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